Glen Scotia 16 Years, 46% ABV

Color: Florentine gold, a deep lustrous gold with a slightly reddish hue, almost but not quite amber as the liquid is brighter. The hue of this nectar changes depending upon the light. I was observing it in full sun followed by partial shade and dusk. At the risk of sounding like a total geek, which I admittedly am, it is a beautiful thing to behold in a Glencairn glass.

Nose: intense sweetness of vanilla caramel and sherry. Very mild alcohol is present before adding a few drops of water, but it is easily overcome by the candy like aroma.

Palate: Intense sherry wood with a spicy zing that is both sweet and bitter on the front of the tongue. There is a slightly oily and briny mouth feel that mellows to a smooth almost creamy finish that remains with the oakiness for a good bit.

Without getting into the peated aspects of Campbeltown whisky, this is a great example of a Campbelltown whisky. Hardy, slightly briny, and oily, plenty of flavor and an interesting finish. Smoothness that needs no explanation given its maturity at 16 years.

This whisky was received as a gift so I have no idea what she paid for it, but it is a very good whisky. I recommend trying it neat and then add just a few drops of water to open it up and release the flavors a bit more. Overall, rock-solid in terms of sensory enjoyment.